“A Golden Egg in the Nesting of Silver” by Sallie Reid
I heard the words of this title in my mind getting dressed for church one day. I studied what the words meant. I asked Holy Spirit for understanding.
Gold The presence/glory of God Wisdom, power, strength
Silver Reflects energy Restores stability of both feminine power & spiritual energy, subtle but strong
Egg Seed of potential Start of new life
Nest Cradled Nurtured and handled with care
As I pondered this phrase, “Golden Egg in the Nesting of Silver,” I remembered a word given to me by one of my pastors, Alex Liotta: “The paintings you will paint will not be for consumption but for revelation and prophetic prayer.”
Thinking about the meaning and the revelation for prophetic prayer, I felt the Lord was say-ing that the winter season holds transitions in its grasp. Think about how things pass away during the winter, and gives way for new life; like the life incubated in an egg. It speaks of new birth or promotion.
The dormant winter holds life just beneath the surface. The breakthrough is just around the corner; the dismal cover of an egg shell holds life below!
“You did knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139:13
In the womb, life is formed. Under the covering of the old life is the seed for a new life. When the old has passed away, the new life begins. I hold the potential seed of wisdom, power and strength but I must handle with care my reflection of God in my heart—I must protect it, nurture it, and care for it. Father, show me the rock of fearlessness. Show me no fear. Show me the cliff of faith — a faith that reaches out to the impossible, faith that gives life to a dead thing.
I now believe it wasn’t only a word for me, but for the church body in a winter season. The breakthrough is just around the corner. I believe we have been given a golden egg of God’s presence, carrying wisdom, power, and strength. We must, as a body, nurture and handle with care the presence. His reflections cradled in our hearts, so that we carry the anointing well. I believe there will be a stronger presence of feminine power and spiritual energy as God intended it in the beginning of creation.
We must be conscience of this golden egg, intentionally hosting His presence as we honor one another, blessing the Father and blessing each other. It is my prayer to be a host of His presence personally by edifying the body with the power of love. I want to engage others to be all they were created to be. I want to operate life in strength and wisdom. I want to walk in peace, abiding in love and living in grace. I saw this vision in 2011. As I reflect on this painting in 2018, I have definitely seen a feminine power coming to the forefront of the church body as a whole. I believe we truly are walking in a new release of God’s spirit in His creation – a ‘New Renaissance of God Awareness’